- " Serious incidents of aggression and violence beyond the control of the Code Grey team.( i.e. hospital patient security staff)
- Armed (with a weapon or using an object as a weapon) or unarmed person threatening serious injury to self or others.
- Person armed with a prohibited weapon/s, controlled weapons or dangerous articles who will not voluntary surrender their weapons...
- Hostage Situation
- Hostile Intruders
- Illegal occupancy."
Being privy to three "Code Blacks"... this is what was witnessed. Rapid Response Team at one, Dog Squad at another along with your highway patrolman, police on the local beat and leading constables and Sergeant... How would you respond to such a call " CODE BLACK?"
Whose MAD here the policy makers or the MAD patient? Equating a psychiatric patient as a possible "Hostage situation? Hostile Intruder? Armed with a weapon?Serious incidents of aggression?" Do we really need a CODE BLACK for a Psychiatric Ward? What if the code black was initiated for you; you who entered hospital to seek assistance with your delirium or psychosis?
Whats happened to humanity or is this just another facet of mans inhumanity to man for the sake of humanity? Australia is signatory to the Helsinki Declaration.. the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and then there is the Hippocratic... FIRST DO NO HARM.