Sunday, March 12, 2017

Garth Daniels - Emperical or Experimental - A Clozapine Saga

.Clozapine was banned in Finland in 1975.

"In Australia "Patient centred Care" is supported by the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights, the National Safety and Qualification Framework and a range of jurisdictional edicts.  In their own words it is  to be 'respectful of the preferences needs and values of patients'.  There is a clear and evident contravention of such a charter here as it relates to Garth Daniels. Garth's needs etc...were clearly and indisputably relegated to a charter of carelessness a mandate contravening both medicine and jurisprudence."

Flight from the State of Victoria, Australia:

Garth Daniels following his escape from the shocking regime of A/Prof.Paul Katz and his entourage of Dr.Jose Segal et al at Eastern Health and subsequently Dr. Anthony Cidoni of Monash Health; where in the Supreme Court at Melbourne Victoria the barristers for both health service providers informed the judge that Monash Health to which Garth had been transferred was now responsible for the treatment of Garth. 

Ironically, the psychiatrist Cidoni stated in open correspondence to Daniels senior that Monash Health(Dandenong Southern Health), merely provides the bed for Eastern Health patient Garth Daniels, but that the treatment regime is under the authority of Eastern Health.  Interestingly, in the Supreme Court Daniels senior advised the court that it appeared the lawyers were making medical decisions and the psychiatrists debating the legal issues.

However, Judge Keogh assured Mr. Daniels senior that the legal situation was as the barristers for both parties had indicated... Garth Daniels was now a patient of Dandenong ( Southern Health) Monash Health.  Mr. Glenn Floyd and Mr. Bernard Daniels appeared as Amicus Curiae with the permission of Judge Keogh as Garth Daniels was debarred by Dr.Anthony Cidoni from attending the court despite Garth having the previous day gone AWOL during an extended lunch break to lodge his affidavit with the Prothonatory in the Supreme Court.

The only certainty for Garth Daniels was that he was going to be given ElectroShocks until he agreed to taking clozapine.  It appeared likely that  psychiatrists Cidoni was going to proceed with its administration despite Garth and his medical power of attorney refusing consent.

Into the State of Queensland, Australia:

The euphoria for Garth was overwhelming knowing that he had been extricated from a system of abuse and torture.  Arriving in Queensland on 19 May 2016 an appointment was arranged by Garths POA to engage with a psychiatrist.  For a number of months it seemed that Garth had left the trauma behind and was well on the way to full recovery under treatment by the private psychiatrist.  Then in mid-August the trauma of what Garth had experienced saw him pre-occupied and his voluntarily admission to RBWH on the advice of his psychiatrist with a view to a period of rehabilitation and  towards self-management and possibly independent living.   There were a few hiccups along this path culminating in Garth voluntarily admitting to the Royal Brisbane and Womans Hospital about September 2016..... 

 The psychiatrists treating Garth Daniels in Queensland it appears regard sinus tachycardia as benign, myocarditis as extremely rare, elevated CK levels as irrelevant and of course pre-existing heart damage having no prognostic significance for cardiomyopathy

This MUST be the case as Garth has succumbed to all of the above... yet the treating psychiatrist continue to prescribe the drug which the cardiologist confirm may only be attributed to the prescribed drug... clozapine.  This conclusion is based upon the premise that since clozapine has been withheld from Garth Daniels the cardiac complications appear to have resolved.

In 2002 the Coronary Care Unit at Prince Charles Hospital, Chermside Queensland produced the following paper" Tachycardia's toll: tachycardia induced cardiomyopathy --  a case study.  In the abstract it is noted that Quote:"...sinus tachycardia is a  more unusual arrhythmia which can lead to serious heart damage or death." Unquote.

In 2010 the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Missouri School of Medicine Columbia Abstract indicates ... "tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy is caused by sustained rapid ventricular rates and is one of the well-known forms of reversible myocardial dysfunction".  It goes on to report that the diagnosis is usually made retrospectively after marked improvement in systolic function is noted following control of the heart rate. 

However, a New Zealand case series of clozapine associated myocarditis states that "Clozapine-associated myocarditis  most often occurs within 1-2 months of starting clozapine, but it may develop at any time while on the medicine, and can occur even at very low doses".

Garth Daniels was first administered clozapine under duress and had clozapine sprayed into his mouth via a syringe.  Garth's retaliation to this forced and coercive assault without consent resulted in Garth being charged under summons for assault against members of staff being security and nursing.  staff.  Since that initial dose of clozapine aka clopine in September 2016 Garth was kept in the high dependency ward at the Royal Brisbane and Womans Hospital (RBWH) until his transfer to the Prince Charles Hospital (TPCH) SMHRU (Secure Mental Health Rehabilitation Unit(sic) in November 2016..

Garth Daniels treatment was transferred from that of Dr. Ravinder Sohal, consultant psychiatrist and  registrar Dr. Chris May of RBWH to that of Dr. Andrea Walker, consultant psychiatrists at the SMHRU. What followed was a series of complex cardiac complications and confirmation that clozapine was more than likely the causative agent.  This was confirmed by the chief cardiologist at TPCH.

Dr. Andrea Walker has since left SMHRU and her position replaced by another psychiatrist Dr. Natasha Laukens.  In the meantime Garth's freedom has been denied on the basis he has deteriorated... on the prescription of polypharmacy and clozapine which has now culminated in Garth's further detention incarcerated contrary to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.  

Clozapine aka clopine has been ceased due to cardiac complications culminating in the resurgence of failed treatments, including polypharmacy.

1 comment:

  1. Clozapine was administered without consent and caused serious cardiac complications. The treatment with that drug was subsequently stopped resulting in a regime of further tried and tested failed treatments. What these psychiatrist do not appear to understand is that Garth suffered a very serious complication in 1996 when he first admitted to hospital. He developed treatment emergent Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS) a potentially lethal condition. The ONLY viable option is to take Garth off ALL psychiatric drugs. It needs to be weaned gradually.
