Sunday, August 26, 2012

GARTH DANIELS - Freedom of Movement

Article 10
2(a) "Accused persons shall, save in exceptional circumstances, be segregated from convicted persons and shall be subject to separate treatments appropriate to their status as unconvicted persons".
                                International Covenant on Civil and Poltical Rights

More than seventeen months held  at Thomas Embling Forensic Hospital Fairfield, in the State of Victoria, Australia, Garth Daniels presented and eloquently stated his case before the Mental Health Review Board..

The MHRB after consideration of the views expressed and documentary evidence presented by the parties subsequently discharged Garth Daniels on Friday 24 August 2012..., was Garth Daniels detention lawful ? 

1 comment:

john said...

That is a prison/ mental health facility for the criminally insane- the most violent unpredictable class of prisoner within any jail or mental health facility environment- when all the fault layed in the lap of the psychiatrists that adversely drugged him and caused the whole drug/self defence- reaction- event- that followed. their fault entirely.